Sunday, September 19, 2010

Faith (2013 Re-write)

Neither push, plead, 
implore nor bargain, 
but stay the course as a quiet supplicant, 
subdued and still, 
stealth in mind and spirit, 
a vigilant, and sanguine petitioner 
humble before Fate. 

And as with Odysseus’ return, 
allow the Earth-Shaker’s currents to draw that 
which you covet, nearer … 
while making an anathema of all ports that call to it 
save your own.

Neither push, plead, implore nor bargain, but stay the course as a quiet supplicant, subdued and still, stealth in mind and spirit, a vigilant, and sanguine petitioner humble before Fate.  And as with Odysseus’ return, allow Poseidon’s currents to draw that which you covet nearer … while silently cursing all ports that call to it to save your own...

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