Monday, December 21, 2015

Pretty Bird

Squawk and dance, feathers a flutter
meaningless responses to the nuances of approval
mirrored in your master's facial ticks.

Prance and skip safe in the false security
suggested by overly familiar, seemingly knowing smiles
and shared other's expense;
for you ARE the Pretty Bird
and above such scrutiny...
for now

Ahh there Pretty Bird... petty, shallow, pretty bird
     prettier when you were free
         prettier still before you sold your song.

You sing everyday for "someday" independence or freedom, yes,
but you sing today and you will sing tomorrow
for seed... the crumbs.. the recognition.. that
"Yes, YOU are a pretty bird";
dependent upon another's attentions
equally ensnared by their intentions.

It does not matter that the gilded cage doors are open
the windows are closed,
     and in here
          nature has no home.

Just another bird
failing to realize its wings have been
and that yes, we ALL know the lyrics to your song.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Not Toby

You do not validate me;
I am not the solution for your guilt for
altering history and my image to validate your alibi;
your view so warped you blame the object upon which you hoist your failed projections rather than acknowledge enslavement to your own sense of entitlement.

I will not be your sycophant, panting at your every utterance;
joyfully bristling in anticipation of your shallow favor
waiting by your side to be psychically petted and whetted.

I will not ask forgiveness for my 
emotional and psychological intelligence.
Permission to embrace the knowledge of who I am and
what I am capable of is neither desired nor required,
for my self worth does not depend upon you,
as it has and will always be My back, My blood,
My karma that houses My mind, My soul.

Your words will not a "Toby" make.
While you vent and rage, cowardice holds you back;
fetal in a rabid corner of your mind;
where the cacophony of psychic damage is mistaken for righteous indignation and silence ... acquiescence.

If you can't hear the words coming out of my mouth,
deliberate and ripe with meaning and intent;
If you can't look me in-the-eye and remember
the notion of "inequality" is based on nothing more than
arbitrary benchmarks used to divide and conquer…even you;
if you can't remember
and say you are my equal,
Here's a mirror

practice until you can!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Fallacy of Superiority

You would make of us cotton;
a "new" harvest for your reapers.

You forget...we are ALL grist;
till we are food.

Monday, December 7, 2015


Once Lost then Found in oblivion
Chaos became the anchor.

I have been
I am
and would BE
only Me.

The true freedom of liberty…
to exist,

without reason, excuse, or permission.


I am here but unbound



this.. your script
holds no interest for me

Friday, August 14, 2015

Let's Talk

Suspecting what one won't know
fearing what the other can’t;
whose voice do they choose
in the dark crevices of their minds?

Experience does not prophecy make,
nor does willful blindness,
heads buried blankets, guarantee resolution

Heads buried in the sand,
mouths muted and bound,
hearts not necessarily wounded
as the carousel turns
driven by anxiety or someone's truth untold

Misunderstanding the understanding or
understanding the misunderstanding
bodies vibrates and twist
pulse and turn
mechanical and discordant;
the unknown remaining a matter of debated certainty
while cowardice prevents the actors from saying


...can we talk”?

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Monday, July 20, 2015


Time's companion
the Wounded Heart;
with its love,
its weakness,
its albatross,
the Unknowable.

All ever present, in the invisible unforgiving tide;
there to co-exist,
to mend or fester,
strain and gnash or
forebear in submissive repose
to envision the light or
fear suggestive shadows
for eternity;
lost hand in hand
with the constant,

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Worth Less Hindsight

if you can... 
that second ...
you realize

where on the other side of 
this (that) instant, 
this (that) discovery
a useless epiphany
the unassailable understanding 
that this is (was) the end game...

Try to savor that broken fork... 
between jump and landing
between thought and action
digit and trigger
spark and tongue...
life and last exhalations ...

beyond the 11th hour
the descent begun
from twinkling to Nova
the last thrashing second...
the last thoughtless decision...
the last careless act...
where one final callously indifferent annoyance...
led to now... 

When you dare to whimper and demand of Karma 
"No but Wait!", 
Will the universe permit time for one last lesson
and allow you to Hold that...
that .... eternity
and ask yourself...

Were the seconds wasted
in judgement...
in hate and petty 'isms... 
worth it? 

Another Shiny Red Ball

Tongue tied
by semantics
history and intentions

It is hard to be a bridge
when both sides are burning...