Friday, December 12, 2014

21st Century Freedom

The media inoculates us against our humanity
feeding us fear
while we starve in the streets
begging for a just rain. 

We embrace immediate gratification while
crying to forgotten gods
of unconditional equanimity

Our lights dimmed
we seek the hollow promise of 
shiny things
while with learned and earnest petitions for "more"
we've lost our way 
and forgotten how to pray

Herded cattle we chew our own bones 
witless and incapable of marveling at the loss of our humanity
Gaily contented with our "freedom" to do so. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Morphic Resonance

The urge remains to laugh, lean upon, embrace and 
share all things... 
morphic resonance of psychic buttresses 
long since and unfortunately,
corroded, remade, ghostly, insubstantial, rusted and thin;
Shadows cast by absence seem greater, 
perhaps falsely, 
than the matter missed;
and yet,
the Shadows remain, following with velveteen eyes, 
watchful and unseen;
Ever the reminder of holes created by a loss once 

forsworn - impossible.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Fallacious Righteous Indignation

You set the stage
Poisoned the well
Turned your coat
Caused the rage

Projected the blame to save yourself
while basking in the fallacious righteousness of 
your deluded assertions...

Bite your swollen tongue
and choke on the lies you tell yourself and sell to others

Pity that... 
for every pleasure you take
in the control you assert
you become the antithesis of who you thought you were
an unintended metamorphosis...
awaiting the inevitability of karmic retribution
in this life or the next.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Unnamed Ennui

Sitting on my hands
“Painting by numbers”
Waiting for the lines to bleed

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Take me where the ego dies
and "I" never flies
out of the plump mouths of
reluctant narcissists…
where muzzled witnesses can rise,
breath the ever green air
and live without desire or shame
in communion with creation;
for "I "would be "we"
betwixt aether and earth
green and rooted once more.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


We opened the Vault
and road the Flood
gathered streams
and split the Firmament...
till Obatala’s gold glistened on the waters
and Pan Gu shed the mantle;
till Gaea blossomed
and Saturn brought knowledge of death;
till Sprits of Ra bequeathed life and hearth,
the Moon enthralled Venus
and the Heavens cried Stars;
till splitting and thus multiplied
We made

for a reason.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Reluctant Sentinel

Neither want
nor need
nor think you deserve;
Simply be...
exist and observe.

The child in the corner sees all.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

This Silense...

There is silence ….

Comforting and pacific,
the sort born of familiarity and contentment,
a still balm on the soul of its occupants;
twins in a womb
embraced by unspoken understanding and 
congenial acceptance

… and then there is Silence

Deafening disconcerting and calamitous
Filled with a kinetic lethal psychic noise
Ripe with fears spawned from the unknown;
an endless abyss of cerebral monstrosities,
creeping, lithe and sharp things
crawling from the dark side of 
Pavlovian lessons learned unintentionally.

Sitting in proximity, yet worlds apart
I can’t help but wonder,
mental fly swatter in hand,

… which silence is This?

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Looking at earth’s reflection on the dark side of the moon
I swallowed your pride

A satellite
Anywhere I would have followed you
But seasons with your orbit changed

You should know what you’re running from...