Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I am I

Who Am I or
….is it I, Who Am?

…friend, mother, father, brother sister…distant cousin, the culmination of all programmed  political and religious beliefs, my “race”, “ethnicity”, gender, “class” or some other equally limiting pronoun?

…the letters and phonetic “S..oun….d…s” that make my designation,
sounds that hold “meaning” in one language or another, promising to bestow the prowess of the untamed or the peace and tranquility of an ancient forest…?

Am I …
… a part the collective “We”,  supporting and perpetuating a pre-packaged, saran wrapped, vacuum sealed, "ribbed for my pleasure”, disposable and  “free with purchase of” pop or sub-Culture?

Am I… who “they” say I am?
my being restricted caged by the limited perceptions of those around me…a mere creation of other’s projected perceptions, deceptions and faulty filters?

Am I…
… some disembodied mind, imprisoned in the flesh, awaiting blissful release back into an all-knowing and forgiving oblivion?

Where… can “I” find the “I”, what makes “Me”…?
How do I distinguish my…”Self” from the layers of opinions, beliefs, positions, labels assigned at birth?

The Answer is complex in its simplicity

I am I…
and ….

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