Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Missing that Thang (2013 re-write)

I miss that Thang
That Spark, that Chemistry
which made it all seem so real, so plausible, so possible;
That “Zip, Bang, Pow!, Snap, Crackle & Pop!”
that made it all seem so right;
That welcoming warm and fuzzy“mellow yellow”
final “Ahhhh”, perfectly-mated union “Click”!
And most of all,
I miss that
“roll over in the middle of the night
reach out and spoon you” pacifier
that made me dream of more.

Missing that Thang... (2/10/1997)
I miss that Thang
That Spark, that Chemistry
Which made it all seem
so real, so plausible, so possible;
That “Zip, Bang, Pow!, Snap, Crackle & Pop!”
that made it all seem so right;
That welcoming “mellow yellow”,
that warm and fuzzy purple aura that enshrouded us in some kind of spiritually acknowledge baptism
That final “Ahhhh”, perfectly mated union Click!
And most of all,
I miss that
roll over in the middle of the night
reach out and spoon you
that made me dream of more.

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