Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cavity 2/16/1997

I close my eyes to block out the sight of you, plug my ears, so I can’t hear you, but I am filled with you nonetheless…my core etched, vibrates with the knowledge of you like the dull throb of a sugar filled cavity

Taught to Covet

I suffered from some indecision about the finality of things... 

Why do we always want passionately those things beyond our reach - when in fact, if segregated from the imagined possibilities or instituted barriers we learn, we no longer know if we want these things intrinsically, in and of themselves?

Once removed… independent of any action on my part, I find these misgivings vanquished and certainty is encapsulated in the loss.

(Coveting Destiny,2/15/1997)


Either accompanied and alone, or just 
Better the latter, than burdened by disappointment
in those you hoped would fill the void.

Truth Be Told

“You mean everything to me!”
“I’ll write”
“I promise”
“Trust me”
“I guess I’m just old fashioned”
“I can quit any time I want to”
“I’ve never been a one-night stand”
“I’m afraid to die”
“I die in your arms tonight”
                     I’ve got a headache…