Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Buying With Credit

When with wanton insanity,
you choose the weapon of undoing,
you can hardly regret when the trigger is pulled.
You have always been the author of your own demise.

The weight of regret is your karma. 
Nightly flagellation your obligation.

Your choices moving forward,
stop caring all together,
or continue to gamble
buying love on credit
while praying no further debts are incurred.  

Burdened With the Unsaid Once the Invitation Was Revoked

What is the point of words?
limitless and yet limiting
regardless of skilled tongue or language,
they will forever fail to truly convey
love, hurt, pain, disappointment or joy
as compared to how these things are experienced...

What is the point of words,
when ego, societal obligations
learned behaviors
tie the tongue
creating a damn against all left unsaid
leaving one to stew in the offal of their own mental juices
forever locked in on projected conversations and assumed intents?

What is the point of words
when once said can cause elation or pain
only to be shown meaningless when followed by action
or inaction?

What is the point of words
when left unsaid or said
can cause injury or unforeseen consequences?

What is the point?
when we speak with intent, with hope
when we strive to be understood
and continue to fail miserably?

What is the point of words,
when a kiss, a touch
can undo, remake and give birth to
an entire imagined future of improbabilities?

Best to Hush... say nothing, feel everything
purge and overcome the inner dialogue
as the mind is not your friend 
for left unattended
it will take every opportunity to create self flagellating words 
meant to undo your peace. 

Occupy your mind and your hands
as they are liars too.

Zaddy Gone

Once I felt your presence everywhere
felt your eyes, your hand
the timber of your voice guiding me
protecting me
influencing me
filling my cup till I had no sense other than
a constant awareness of your presence.

You made a point of leaving your stamp
etched into my core with the sharpest of blades


I felt your leave-taking
before you left.

a universe stands between us
You, Odysseus on your next adventure
me, Penelope, marooned on a barren rock
told to go on
left senseless and adrift
desperately seeking purpose
without the psychic collar...

I didn't realize I needed. 

Bubbles Pop


ethereal, beautiful
seemingly perfect
suggest a grand design
offer visions of the divine, 
and unrealistic dreams of the improbable
don't live in them
They were never your "safe space"
for they are impervious to will, intent or desire
temporary purgatorial traps
that burst 
against the slightest hint of reality.

Some may see a challenge to overcome
a scientific mind confident in their ability to discover
a solution to the dream's intangibility;

Others may accept their transient nature, 
grateful for visions of possibilities,
or the respite of a dream savored however temporary;

While most will fold, crushed under the weight of dreams deferred 
their punishment, their karma for daring to believe...
to be haunted by the memory of contentment 
seemingly offered on colorful platters
unceremoniously and instantaneously removed..
by design.