Saturday, September 11, 2010

Angels Among Us...

Not all angels come to us in glimmering pastel clouds shrouded in light, feathers and cinnamon … not all journey forth in gilded chariots, lightening or on a fragrant breeze… on a special errand… simply for me…or you…

Confused…the flight from the choir’s nave or crowded guff, between stars and stratosphere, some angels may merely be lost - the journey having left them distracted or confused…their message and intent perhaps forgotten… Do they find their way to us “subconsciously”… the beacon of a mission so embedded that even with amnesia they find their way to fulfilling their mission or do they wander aimlessly earthbound ….  directionless?

A lucky few, however unbeknownst to them, are met with what some think of as pure Angels…directly “from the big guy above”… they resolve the quandary and disappear… leaving the recipient none the wiser save ever grateful for the seemingly miraculous conclusion to what seemed an insurmountable problem or challenge.

Perhaps some angels come in spiritu… without mass… and infuses or temporarily possess one of us… and this explains the occasional moments of inspiration and grace you witness when perfect strangers seamlessly and unconditionally help one another….

Some folks opt to believe in Karma rather than in the services of divine angels, sprites or Djinn … people themselves are destined to do, help, hurt, save, stop, aid each other as karma dictates – with no personification of divine oversight save to acknowledge the power of the Universe to even things out eventually…

I like to believe that we are all Angels, Djinn, helpful entities… imbued with innocents and goodness… that in our moments of grace, when we are at our best, we are angels for one another… in these moments we are divine…the answer to spoken and unspoken prayers…

Passing Through Time (2013 re-write)

Walking down this lonely corridor
known simply and ironically as “life”,
he has nothing to disturb his thoughts
save the sound of his own dull aimless steps
Echoing …
E…cho….ing… sounds
Bounce bouncing sounds
off endless walls called hours, minutes, days… 
cohorts in crime; 
So…un…ds … 
mingling with memories of rare 
occasions of awareness;
and he wanders wondering…
“How much have I changed
since I last paid attention
to the shifting bouncing sounds
of myself… my…very self… 
passing through time”

Walking down this lonely corridor
Known simply and ironically as “life”
I have nothing to disturb my thoughts
But the sound of my own steps
Bounce bouncing
off walls called time…
Sound mingling
with memories of other such occasions of awareness
and I wander wondering…
How much have I changed
since I last paid attention
to the shifting sounds
bouncing sounds
of myself
Passing through time?

A Lover’s Prayer: Scene 1 (2013 re-write)

Warm and Disarm me with Genuine smiles.
Tend my Heart carefully, 
accept my affections given in kind, 
Believe and Surrender.

For reasons unfathomable 
our threads are tied - our story begun;
Attraction and Attachment
inevitable and unavoidable.

The things I want
are words stuck in wombish buccal cavities
and only my pen communicates freely
those things only fugitively mouthed 
in the company of shadows
where insecurities are masked in the gloom
and my smile mimics
subtle reflections of strength 
than I 
in truth

Warm the cockles of my heart with your disarming smile.
Carry my heart carefully in your arms
and tenderly accept my affections given in kind.
Surrender to my confession and believe in me.

For reasons unfathomable
our threads are tied and our story begun…
Attraction and attachment
inevitable and unavoidable…
The things I want
are words stuck in my mouth
and only my pen communicates freely
those things gingerly whispered under cover of darkness
where shame and insecurities are masked in shadow
and my smile mimics
Subtle reflections of strength greater than
I in truth

3am Confessions (2013 re-write)

My tongue held for the moment
I wait & write in the dark
for Anonymity.. for Inspiration;
for confessor’s release… for sleeper’s Reward.

Is it vanity or pride -saving one’s tongue for script?
Is it safer?

Does the time elapsed from mind… to hand… 
to pen… to paper
cause truer aim or allow prideful embellishment?

History proves the point - what one writes one “wills” True, regardless of reality or the perceptions of those around us. 

We write memoirs;
not as a last chance at redemption
but as an opportunity, perhaps, to create an extension of one’s self,
which, like a child, will grow with the ages…
be reinterpreted, reincarnated and repackaged to suit the times..
a message, bound in a leather bottle, tossed into the universe;
a message… communicated across the boundaries of time and death if worthy.

Or at minimum, a confession to a blank faced witness - the only thing in the present that knows the truths that have made you as you are and as you see yourself to be… and so… 

I write….

My tongue held for the moment
I wait in the dark
I write in the dark
For anonymity
For inspiration
For confessions’  release
For sleeper’s reward. flowin in the dark…
Waiting for sleep…
Stealing comforts from the rhythmic sound
of a rotating fan
instead of a warm heart beat and embrace.

Is it vanity or pride…
Saving one’s tongue for script?
Is it safer?
Does the time.. elapsed
from mind… to hand… to pen… to paper
cause truer aim…
or allow prideful embellishment?

What solace….
Even prisoners are allowed to write memoirs..
not as a last chance at redemption
but as a last chance to create an extension of one’s self.
which, like a child, will grow with the ages…
be reinterpreted
reincarnated to suit the times..
a message communicated across the boundaries of time and death
if worthy…
Or at minimum…
a confession to a blank faced witness
the only thing in the present that knows the truths
that have made you as you are and as you see yourself to be…


Deny the dawn
Defy conscious consciousness
behind lids admittedly less weighty and
reject the responsibilities born with rising shadows.
In cotton womb
evade longstanding contemplation
and obvious solutions
and cry out
for the return
of drug induced bliss!

Exorcism (2013 re-write)

To repel that which has been stealthily insinuated into me
Implanting senses with sentimental gore
I strike
Pull at the asphyxiating gummy substance
cemented around
my organs, my nostrils, my teeth, my lungs, my mouth;
gagged and gagging…
I pull out the stuff
baggage…taunt and insistent;
disabled from laughing or crying 
“Will” meant little, exercised in vain
against your sworn disposition and charms.

Now stuck in a piteous state of self loathing
and anger born from deception
I strive to strike out
at all that was birthed in my mind’s eye
in the hopes of obliterating the memory of you.

To repel that which has been stealthily insinuated into me
Implanting senses and sentimental gore
I strike
I act
Pulling at the substance
age old gum
cemented around
my organs
my nostrils
my teeth
my lungs
my mouth
I pull out the stuff
Taunt and insistent
with neigh the ability
to laugh or cry out at the foolishness of my state
having willingly invited the demon in.
Will.. meant nothing
exercised in vain
against your sworn disposition.
Now stuck in a piteous state of self loathing
and the anger born from deception
I strive to strike out
at all that was birthed in my mind’s eye
by your loathsome influence
in the hopes of obliterating the memory of you

Purge (2013 re-write)


My wretched pen chokes on words I can not perform. 

Myself, my guilt, my passions, my only audience…
my mind, this white glaring page, my amphitheater, 
where doubts and avoided confessions
echo ceaselessly and mercilessly
off defensive canyon walls that conspire against me.

Purge the thoughts
Perish the deed!

The power of “The Word”, words
shadow ghouls of the Eighth Circle 
leave me tattered and shamed by my passive inactivity
and heartened by my silence.

My wretched pen chokes on the words
I can not perform in your presence…
Myself, my guilt, my passions
my only audience…
my mind and this white glaring page
my amphitheater.
Where doubts and avoided confessions
echo ceaselessly and mercilessly
off defensive canyon walls that conspire against me.
The power of “The Word”, words
tare at me like shadow ghouls from lovers’ Hell…
leaving me tattered and shamed by my passive inactivity
and heartened by my silence.

Fallacious Regret (2013 re-write)

Silky mofo
I know you
I wanted you
I had you;
witting alone, feeling a sack of used parts
I regret you.
Like a plague of locusts
a carousel of thoughts bombard me;

“I didn’t mean to make contact… should have avoided the trap, snaring me into a catatonic state of blissful denial…! Stuck in our time.. your story, making me reminisce the undone.. the unsaid, and all sort of base bestial and vampiric things; shouldn’t have let you touch me, quickening, like quick silver, the poison in my veins; Touch, Touch, T.O.U.C.H, suspended in time, molten lava touch, making my defenses steam like a fresh carcass. I shouldn’t have displayed myself to your fleshy altar.!”

and I can’t honestly despair now, 
when after all the wet stiffness,
the fantasies didn’t come true;
Now, in the after shock, stewing in denial & guilt
trying to convince myself I was an “accidental” participant of my own demise; capable of blaming no one, 
despising my senses for their vivid support;
I cringe from the me
that embraced the Devil…
and Liked it!!

Silky mofo
I know you
I wanted you
I had you
Sitting alone, feeling a sack of used parts
I regret you.
Like a plague of locusts
A carousel of thoughts bombard me…
I didn’t mean to make contact… should have avoided the trap of your face
Your eyes snaring me into a catatonic state of blissful denial…!
Stuck in our time.. your story
Making me reminisce the undone.. the unsaid
And all sort of base bestial and vampiric things
I shouldn’t have let you touch me
Quickening, like quick silver, the poison in my veins
Suspended in time
Molten lava touch
Making my defenses steam like a fresh carcass.
I shouldn’t have displayed myself to your fleshy altar.
I shouldn't despair now…
When after all the wet stiffness
The fantasies didn’t come true…
Now.. in the after shock
Stewing in denial & guilt
I sit here
Trying to convince myself
I was an accidental participant of my own demise…
Capable of blaming no one
Despising my senses for their vivid support…
Cringing from the Me
That embraced the Devil…
And Liked it!!

Dew and Eternity (2013 re-write)

Slept like a stone
wishing you were
the sweet moss and brush
beneath me…

Slept like a rock
wishing you were
the sweet moss and brush
around me…

Predator, Hunter, Hunger and Complacency

Jazz smoke thickened the atmosphere
Laughter, alcohol and pheromones
proved apt partners for the excitement and awkwardness
of acting in front of strangers and only slightly less strange comrades.
Stealing glances with the individual who netted my attention.
We are reinvented in my mind…

We converse
And through this all probable futures appear…
Acting as chips in a poker game
black, red and white Queens and Jacks
all in a house of cards
awaiting the wind of Kismet to shape their destiny.

Sitting amongst acquaintances
I spotted an individual that
On appearances alone
Seemed so remarkable as to cause my pulse to quicken
Virile was the first and only attribute
upon which I could bestow this tempest.
All others, though the stuffs of impassioned fantasy,
came to mind and were the thickeners
to the sensuous stews brewing therein.

My mind gave birth to base and brute acts
which given the opportunity
brought no fear of diminished reality…if…
on no uncertain terms I knew the act would be rewarding…
just as I knew it would be subject to
costly punishment… guilt unfettered.

A few thoughts on lamented love and lustful passions…
a change comes over the one I watch when
they suspect know their efforts will be fruitful…
A glazed and compassion-less expression
crosses their face, like an aimless warrior’s haze
and I find I don’t know them anymore…
perhaps I never did…except for the fragmented image created in my mind
with smoke and music.

Could any stronger emotion grow for such a face?”, I wonder
The person remains
But I suspect they have a countenance not for love but merely and thoroughly... lust.

When asked what I wanted, I replied
I want more than anything to overcome my attraction to you and become your friend,”
Continuing in my thoughts…
…for upon that at least one might reasonably depend.  As a fiend you would more easily be forgiven for not meeting my expectations, then as a lover, for spurned my passion would curdle.”

Duality set in
Evident in the divergent personalities doing battle through desires, morals and experience.
All elements playing a cutthroat no-holds-bond game of King of the Mountain…
The right, the power, to control my actions…
A high note crescendos and the smoke thickens
Hit me again” I say…
The cards played…the ritual begins.   

Into the wind...

Into the wind
I'd like to sing your name...
to await the tickling breeze's caress
and feel the warm breath of the sun...
sultry and seducing.
All elements
answering on your behalf
on a lovely green day
when my thoughts

And when
if in fevered bliss your name escapes my lips
I shudder in wakefulness
yearning your return.

Midnight Cuddle

Confession of Love
Causes inner confliction.
Sincerity and kindness
Causes love addition.
The need of something warm and familiar
To cling closely to
The need of a friendly face…
Thinking of You.

The Symbiotic Parasite

Feel me, heal me
Touch me, hear me
See me
Understand me
Know me
Trust me
Envelope me

Rumors of "Too Late"

You never told me you dreamed
of green meadows, blue skies
of home coming August joys
and what could have been…
We never shared heart filled moments
without some overhanging shadow
lurking in our minds
putting our hearts in separate bonds… shackled.

When fate saw fit to give us the keys
like children in the dark
we wandered in opposite directions.
Given light
we saw each other for the first time
strangers in love
with what had until now been left to the imagination.
We never went camping
or basked in the summer sun.
We never saw beauty together
We never danced

Tantrum (2013 re-write)

Wither to your touch
repulsed by your stare
your enticing deformities afflict 
nightmarish images in my mind...
every moment spent together
spent in false adoration and herculean tolerance .
I loath you!

Through my lids
these hateful words said....
else I be betrayed.

Wither to your tough
repulsed by your stare
your deformities afflict nightmarish images in my mind...
every moment spent together
spent in false adoration of your pitious state.
I loath you!

Through my lids
these hateful words said....
else I be betrayed.

Expectation... (1997)


Horrible monster
deformed dream defiler...
disables enjoyment and casts a murky shadow
across circumstances
at best.

Inner Dialogue (2013 re-write of "A Shy Seducer")

Can I repeat during the day
that which should be whispered in the comfort of darkness?

Fondle you with velvet words;
dare I think on you at night
when sheer clouds cover the moon 
and stars flicker SOS?

Or should I attempt to point out the obvious
That which could be said in a glance?


A Shy Seducer
Can I repeat during the day
that which should be whispered at night?
Fondle you with velvet words…
Dare I think on you at night
When sheer clouds cover the moon and stars flicker SOS?
Or should I attempt to point out the obvious
That which should be said in a breath?

The Rite of Corruption (2013 re-write of "Corruption)

Where once convictions stood as armor
and shield from temptation,
today a voluntary and vulnerable supplicant
implored subjugation! 

Rejoicing in the freedom from accountability,
begging her own destruction, 
she took delight in her corruption,
eroded and Rose.

Today, for good or ill, Ishtar has risen
let paramours tremble! 

Where once I stood strong
using my convictions as a shroud
protecting me from temptation…
I am
For good or ill
I lay myself down
in this
Vulnerable state
Begging my own
And taking delight
in My own Corruption.

Oh... Pretty One (2013 re-write)

Cock of the Roost
You strut around like a bedazzled peacock
Witticisms and feathers tossed about like confetti...
A ticker-tape parade…theme music even….
all in an unfounded effort to make them want You.

Lured, perhaps by the bright colors, 
that genetic part which remains primal
invariably responds to your dance 
and more are lead to psychic slaughter…

What species of animal are you?
Do you devour your mates, leaving only haunted shells behind...
animatronics living testaments to your great prowess
Do you lock them away…. 
A fleshy menagerie, 
Broken toys in an under-lit shadowbox,
forgotten and dated suits in a misplaced closet, awaiting your whimsical attentions
while like a child you look for your next new toy
forgetting… one day you’ll be too old to play… and then what?

You strut around like a peacock
Witticisms and feathers tossed about like confetti...
A ticker-tape parade…
all in an unfounded effort to make me want You.
Lured perhaps by the bright colors,
That genetic part which remains primal
Involuntarily responds to your dance.

What species of animal are you?
Do you devour your mate, leaving their shallow shell behind...
Left as a reminder to those that sadistically seek your embrace?
Do you lock them away…. mesmerized by your charm…
A fleshy menagerie awaiting your whimsical attentions?

Stung… (2013 re-write of The First Time...)

Sitting here
Heart pounding
Anxiety overwhelms senses
hands shaking
smiling reassuringly
while every muscle
Feels tight… taunt
Ready for flight

My lips a meal
as shallow breath escapes me
and strangely uncomfortable
yet all too familiar energies courses 
through me

One a pining malcontent
Another sloven and base…

I am stilled
and overpowered…

The First Time
Sitting here
Heart pounding
Anxiety predominates most senses
Hands shaking
Smiling reassuringly
while every muscle feels tight & taunt

I feed on my lips
as shallow breath escapes me..
and strangely uncomfortable
yet now, all too familiar Energies
Courses through
one a pining malcontent
another savage
I am stilled and overpowered.


your talents do not go unnoticed.
Fallacious passion aspires a willing captive
despite insinuated debauchery, I
dreamily and knowingly surrender to your skillful seduction 
while thinking...
"What an entrepreneur you could be
if success were lured as complacently!?"

Your failure to credit the cognizance behind my molten gaze
gives birth to the persuasive believe that in truth
you are the victim
of your own desires
& I
merely an accidental reaper....
but a rosy glow and disquieted composure
belie this enigmatic theory.

The Test (Aids) (2013 re-write)

The Test (Aids)

Here on this index finger,
this funny little prick
stand judge and jury;
adjourned to decide the caliber of your fate.
Pricked muted witness tell naught but hints tauntingly 
toward purposeful intent.

Can your body’s temperament belie health; 
for that matter exaggerate ill?
Body and Mind joined in reluctant alliance
communicate no collective understanding
except to inform that fear betrays Karmic acceptance. 

Here on this index finger...
this funny little prick
Evidence of the judge & jury
adjourned to decide the caliber of your future.
Muted witnesses
tell naught but for some
acknowledged, direct and purposeful intent.
Can my body’s temperament belie health,
for that matter exaggerate ill?
in this simple alliance
communicate no collective understanding
except to sense that
Fear betrays trust in God..
While certainty begs a spiteful end.