Friday, February 22, 2019

Seeking Our Own Definitions

(In draft)

uhhhhggg.. .meeehhhhghhhhng...

square peg round hole
taught to force itself into a space too small
It hurts
the walls of our psyches are bleeding

Queens trying to conform to a twin, a king, or a double
uhhhhggg.. .meeehhhhghhhhng... ugh
the struggle is real folks
To big, too small, too tight, too long
God Damn Goldilocks

Who are we?
What are we?
Who the hell do you think you are?
What gives you the right?

We don't like or appreciate your prefabricated construct
demanding we FIT IN
when we were born to stretch OUT
Expand, Evolve
Outside your constraints, outside your assumptions
definitions and limitations.

We live on a board we no longer wish to play
fighting an opponent who set the stage long ago;
while stretching and pulling at the yoke
bucking their limitations
in search of our own.
