Musings & Advice


What we Want prophesies what we Will
A Question
If the world were to end today... the great cataclysm begun... where or with whom would you want to be? Into whose arms would you run? By whose side would you fight? ......and why aren't you there now?  What worth life or the present if...sans answer?

Advice #8  A Call to Arms
You must face your fears, risk failure, take your time and do it right the first time, stop giving in to the primal, go beyond the temptation to cry out and demand instant gratification, nothing instant is worth having, just do it…do it all, do what it takes, do what is required, then do more; ignore and or postpone distraction.  Daydream things doing…and save fantasy for sleeper’s reward!

Advice #7  Do You!
Desire yourself at your best, court yourself and tender your well being with habitual care as you would a new lover.

Being Understood 101

We all think we want people to understand who we are… what makes us tick.  But fallacy lays hidden, like bruised fruit, in the very expectation - for with it, we presume to subliminally announce we know who we are ourselves.  So what exactly is it about “our selves” are we hoping will be understood?  Are we hoping others will do the work for us and say:

 “Ah ha!  I understand you! You are [fill in sexy role found only in legend or film], you’re meant to [fill in some meaningful trade here, worthy of life's sufferings to date] and be [fill in adventurous and heroic prophecy here]– go forth in the world and be fruitful and merry!’??

and then, so discovered, we say:

“Eureka! .. yes, the search is over, we have found our identity and purpose at last!”…(insert angel's choir and fan fair soundtrack here).

(Notes falling flat...)
What exactly is it we’re supposed to do then? 

The search is what molds us, develops and enlightens us.  Keep looking…keep searching… keep understanding.  We can learn from the mirrors we offer one another… but ultimately… we are our own guides and consciences… and the most challenging mirror you face… will always be your own. 

Study thyself to know thyself
all else will follow... as needs be. 


Cherished treasures,
embraced and safely ensconced in our spiritual wombs
we nurture, protect and defend them,
accepting all their grace and faults
forgiving easily wounds inflicted by callousness, ego or greed.
Those that recognize the gift 
cherish it in kind reaping karmic benefits.
Those that do not...
their temporary purpose served, to nurture a new life lesson, 
are expelled like so much afterbirth

Advice #6  Do Better Damn it!
Someone once said, “Even the Devil believes in God!”, so know, even belief offers no protection from temptation dressed as instant salves for jaded and uninspired souls. We are captives of the flesh.  Primal versus Reason, Reason versus Redemption, Flesh versus Spirit, Now versus Rapture Eternal. 
Requisites for Evolution and Enlightenment leave us duty bound to do all to rise above it.

Advice #5  Disappointment

Life’s lessons present themselves in labyrinths leaving themselves to be discovered.  You can’t always get what you want…nor who you want it from…. Learn from the disappointment and embrace the promise of new adventures.

Advice #4  Worry

Don't worry about the future...
Prepare for it...
Whatever hinders your task...
Is your task.
Success, answers, peace,love...
Where does your compose point?

Advice #3  Put Her Name in Song
Put her name in song
In prose
In a breath
Sing it with passion
With heat
With welcome
In peace
Into the air as Prayer
Magic in syllables and color
Fear and ego abandon themselves to the appeal,
while the Arrow with an Honest Goal
finds its Prey, True…

Advice #2  Depression
Breath Babe... try to remember…and accept that deep inside your “Self”, despite it all, is a granule of Hope...and the Knowledge that at some point soon, things will improve.

To deny this, is to willfully surrender and nourish the Bleakness; and with moments spent in self flagellation, neglect and mental hyperventilating, rob yourself of Time better spent in joyful and/or productive pursuits.

This is part of the condition… to make a lover of fallaciously endless, stoic yet self perpetuating depression…almost indulgently, luxuriantly… while simultaneously knowing and denying that in some future moment you’ll enjoy laughter and a lightening of the soul once again.

It is all part of the journey – embrace this as you should all things…learn from it what you are meant to learn - acknowledge, resolve and release  – the wiser for it.

Breath ... do something you haven't taken the time to do in years.  Do something creative, relaxing, energizing or daring.

The Spark will ignite as you remember those simplest of things ever within your reach, worthy of Joy.