Monday, June 27, 2011

The Mating Minuet

One step forward
two steps back
hands clasped, then not
turn and bow - repeat.

Fear, uncertainty and phobias maintain the tempo
as norms and expectations define the beat;
desire, acceptance and need haunt the melody...
while habit, intent and inconsistency infuse the learned chorus.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Intimacy (2013 re-write)

neither coerced nor expected
neither reward nor boon
like sweet breath…
is natural and essential... until commoditized. 

neither coerced nor expected
neither reward nor boon
like breath..
is natural and innate

Monday, June 20, 2011

Human Contact (2013 re-write)

Is it wrong to miss being held?
To miss the memory of muscle and bone, 
warmed by consciousness, enlivened by soul;
the familiarity of the fit… 
each curve, crevice and limb crafted to precision,
giving credence to “intelligent design”;
or the moment, when egos lifted, learned behavior and reason 
are burned away in the light of recognition;
that fleeting yet rapturous moment when 
souls recognized, meet, accept and give unconditionally…
and when with transitory reprieve, 
Eden is recreated in a touch, glance and gladdened heart?

If eyes are the gateway to the soul
then touch offers the map
breath the wind in our sails… and
Honesty… the cost of admission.

Is it wrong to miss…being held…
the memory of muscle and bone, 
warmed by consciousness and 
enlivened by soul;
the familiarity of the fit… each curve, crevice and limb crafted to precision,
giving credence to “intelligent design”?

To miss the moment, when the veil lifted… 
ego, learned behavior and reason are
burned away in the light of temporary recognition…
that fleeting yet rapturous moment when 
souls meet, accept and give unconditionally…
and when with transitory reprieve, 
Eden is recreated in a touch, glance and gladdened heart?

If eyes are the gate way to the soul
then touch offers the map
breath the wind in our sails… and
Honesty… the cost of admission.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Jill said it first....

"He left you a long time ago....
Now it's time to turn him loose...."
                                                Jill Scott 2009

Friday, June 3, 2011


While the Pit awaits with extended digits and cold comforts
put wounded spirit aside...and be grateful for music..
for what greater evidence is required
when toe-tapping demonstrates that holes aside....a boat still floats.

Move, shake shimmy and stomp
Sweat, sway and give angels cause to envy

Be water and wind - giving and unforgiving
and let rhythms exercise all that haunts.
Dance burdens into oblivion
and remember things worth celebrating...
at least until the last notes sound...