The 80's in New York City was a Riot of color and sound.
Bold bright neon colors and metal piercings,
new age pop, goth, rock and MTV.
Graffiti lined the streets and subway cars,
telling stories, marking territories, beautifying with color
what the city left drab and lifeless.
"Material Girls" walked around doing their best Madonna imitations,
while boys strutted in "Miami Vice" jackets, wife beaters or school uniforms,
piercings and tattoos temporarily hidden.
Jordache, Lee, Adidas and Pumas, "Bomber jackets" and "TROOP" jackets
coveted items often stollen following a beat down
despite the urban legend that TROOP stood for "Total Rule Over Oppressed People"
regardless of size.
The air was permeated oddly with both promise
and the stale smell of dirty water dogs, weed, crack and Drakar.
There was a magic to the city then,
when synchronicity would have you head out on your own, only to be well met by a group of friends in
Thompsons Park, Washington Square Park or Sheep's Meadow.
Landmarks were our beacons,
phonebooths our haven from the rain.
We saw people shine brightly, boldly letting their colors show
and embraced gayly for their courage in doing it.
Teen nights at the clubs and sweaty dance battles with late night recuperations at the Round the Clock
Cafe, Pizzeria Uno's or Micky D's.
where first dates were often had by,
nervous teens using their parent's credit cards for the first time,
when summers felt like they lasted forever,
and the threat of growing up seemed farther away than we wanted,
and closer than we were prepared for.