Monday, February 28, 2011

Once Wakened...Falsely

Once wakened in love
yet loved falsely, 
she now awakens

the Light neglected.
for want of steel, 
flint cannot alight alone.

a discordant metronome 
reminds her…
it is not Love that is inconsistent, 
but Man.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Mental Fodder for Valentine's Day

 "No man is an island entire of itself." John Donne
"Memory lives in the heart."  Marquise de Sevigne
"Choose well, your choice is brief and yet endless." Goethe
"We know truth, not only by reason, but also by heart."  Blaise Pascal

"Those who wish to sing always find a song. " Swedish Proverb
"And what he greatly thought, he nobly dared."  Homer

 "Love is not love, which alters when it alteration finds" Shakespeare.

Love is love... regardless of intent. The challenge is in remembering .... 
A gift... once freely given... is no longer yours to claim...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Adrift... (2013 re-write of Odysseus Adrift)

A broken load stone points North 
no more than a wounded heart knows joy.
No words...
Odysseus adrift...Penelope abandoned.

Better a castaway, on dry land, where barren consistency lends itself to numbing complacency...
than adrift in a sea, where tumultuous waves 
simulate life with false hope glimmering in the distance.

Odysseus adrift...
A broken load stone points North no more than a wounded heart points to salvation

No words...

Odysseus adrift...Penelope abandoned.

Better a castaway, on dry land, where barren consistency lends itself to numbing complacency..then adrift in a sea, whose tumultuous waves simulate life and false hopes glimmering in the distance

Friday, February 4, 2011

Off the Wheel

We are all of us merely
...things.. tools...disposable shells
with irrelevant and fallacious notions of individuality and worth
nothing more than a means to an end or gratification for others

Cursed with
Consciousness enough
to be bitterly aware of our state...
Memory enough to recall the fall...
Knowledge enough to know we deserve better...
and Breath enough for prayers...unanswered