Thursday, December 15, 2011

Strangers Among "Friends"...

Through veiled orbs, a glance confirms a strange sentinel stands
where once a friend stood fast

Circumstances and misunderstandings, bullish oppressors
Create unnatural rifts in bonds born of recognition

Trust only in that
… the wheel will turn
… the ship will sail
… truths will out

The only ballast,
the involuntary spark of life, the permanence of disappointment,
and the hell of introspection.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Timeless Friendships

No time, distance or temporary ire can mar friendships 
with foundations wrapped around the ankles of Atlas.

Titans and stars stand jealous witnesses to the Gods’ gift of love to humanity.

Time and space hold no dominion over souls, nor friendships born on pure and sacred ground.

Those are lucky and blessed, who, reborn thru the ages, find friends and loved ones well met… again… and again

Constant yet invisible companions we carry on every journey… apart of each other’s stories in equal measure through the cycles of time.

Influenced and inspired… and grateful.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Patience is the challenge…

Hope in a breath,
Faith in a sigh,
Patience is the challenge…
Acceptance the reward.


Monday, October 3, 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011

'til soon is now...

Au revoir ....
                 'til soon is now...
                 'till hope is certainty...
                 'till dreams are memories...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Love and Narcissism?


If I say, I love who I think you are,
does that make me narcissistic?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Not all the Bold are Fortunate (2013 re-write)

Sometimes one has to ask...

“What is the difference between blind courage and oblivious self-sabotaging stupidity?”

Blindly running into the fray mind akimbo and intentions unformed; expecting a reluctant God or the whims of stars to cast favorable winds.... 

Do we dare to “be brave” or is bravado merely the blunt side of arrogance, shielding one from knowledge of its own inevitable demise?

Do we dare “self-actualization” and does mere “belief” offer protection and assurances of success?

Is courage found in ignorance of consequence and responsibility - or is it proof of madness?

It is known “Fate” favors both the bold and the mad… begging the question –
What tips the balance for those whose bold steps forward lead to oblivion, martyrdom and grief

Thoughts that keep me up... 

Sometimes I have to ask myself...

What is the difference between blind courage and oblivious self-sabotaging stupidity?

Blindly running into the fray mind akimbo and intentions determined…
Expecting a reluctant God or the whims of fate to be favorable…
Do we dare to be brave or is bravado merely a blunt tool,
shielding one from knowledge of its own demise?

Are we to be mere victims of the fates
our pain in harmonic symphony with their entertainment and musings…
Or do we dare optimism… self-actualization?

Are hope, faith and optimism the paths to freedom of fear?
Does mere belief offer protection….
Or… like sheep moving senselessly thru the void… 
is bliss found in ignorance

Exclusive of desire, want, need, intent or purpose?

Monday, August 29, 2011

Melancholy Monday

Sad without reason
Guilty without cause
Lonely beyond reckoning
Misunderstood ad infinitum 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


So few people actually "listen"...
seems a skill lost with the ages...
the art... of listening.... to spoken word and physical language..
recognizing the scent of fear.. that makes all tongues liars and eyes both witness and reluctant informant....

understanding what someone's saying versus what they are trying to say...
understanding nuances.. intent... what's said and left unsaid...

the language of the heart, eyes and body... in unison, although more oft' then not, in conflict....

So few understand the distinctions between
"hearing" and "listening"
"understanding" and "accepting"
"understanding" and "agreeing"

(sigh)... begs the question.. were things easier with clubs and grunts?

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Scent of Past Lives....

Like the haunting flavor of a meal savored long ago
or a familiar scent carried by ghosts in the wind... 
One longs for past life treasures -
family, children, laughter... fulfillment.
An ache joyfully embraced
with the knowledge that such joys
were, at the least
once known...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I would know your pain
your story and dreams too
I would know your soul
I would know You....

A Silent Prayer

I hear whispers of your song echoed in my heart
and pray the lyrics are the same...

Introductions unnecessary

How do I know you... remember you, you ask?
How could I not...
when I was on you, with you, in you, of you
you were me
and I was we
and all was divine
both before and after the veil
at the first, the last and breath reborn
I've know you in Time
and await you anew in each ...

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Mating Minuet

One step forward
two steps back
hands clasped, then not
turn and bow - repeat.

Fear, uncertainty and phobias maintain the tempo
as norms and expectations define the beat;
desire, acceptance and need haunt the melody...
while habit, intent and inconsistency infuse the learned chorus.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Intimacy (2013 re-write)

neither coerced nor expected
neither reward nor boon
like sweet breath…
is natural and essential... until commoditized. 

neither coerced nor expected
neither reward nor boon
like breath..
is natural and innate

Monday, June 20, 2011

Human Contact (2013 re-write)

Is it wrong to miss being held?
To miss the memory of muscle and bone, 
warmed by consciousness, enlivened by soul;
the familiarity of the fit… 
each curve, crevice and limb crafted to precision,
giving credence to “intelligent design”;
or the moment, when egos lifted, learned behavior and reason 
are burned away in the light of recognition;
that fleeting yet rapturous moment when 
souls recognized, meet, accept and give unconditionally…
and when with transitory reprieve, 
Eden is recreated in a touch, glance and gladdened heart?

If eyes are the gateway to the soul
then touch offers the map
breath the wind in our sails… and
Honesty… the cost of admission.

Is it wrong to miss…being held…
the memory of muscle and bone, 
warmed by consciousness and 
enlivened by soul;
the familiarity of the fit… each curve, crevice and limb crafted to precision,
giving credence to “intelligent design”?

To miss the moment, when the veil lifted… 
ego, learned behavior and reason are
burned away in the light of temporary recognition…
that fleeting yet rapturous moment when 
souls meet, accept and give unconditionally…
and when with transitory reprieve, 
Eden is recreated in a touch, glance and gladdened heart?

If eyes are the gate way to the soul
then touch offers the map
breath the wind in our sails… and
Honesty… the cost of admission.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Jill said it first....

"He left you a long time ago....
Now it's time to turn him loose...."
                                                Jill Scott 2009

Friday, June 3, 2011


While the Pit awaits with extended digits and cold comforts
put wounded spirit aside...and be grateful for music..
for what greater evidence is required
when toe-tapping demonstrates that holes aside....a boat still floats.

Move, shake shimmy and stomp
Sweat, sway and give angels cause to envy

Be water and wind - giving and unforgiving
and let rhythms exercise all that haunts.
Dance burdens into oblivion
and remember things worth celebrating...
at least until the last notes sound...

Monday, May 23, 2011


Obstinate hope festers in my side,
breaking the abyss with pinholes of light;
involuntarily lightening a cavity formerly comforted
by familiar aches pregnant and ripe.

Beast of Burden

Give in to it
Embrace it
warm musty and tacky
an entity unto itself
Granted entry on a pheromone cloud
Ripe with slow thunderous burn and chimes
Yet …
worthless unless
invited by love

Indoctrinated Chattel... (2013 re-write)

Driven by skillful shepherds,
willfully distracted without sense enough 
to bleat in protest at our plight; 
suckled on greedy teats, 
programmed with an insatiable drive for MORE of what gratifies NOW; 
domesticated brute animals corralled by commoditized liberties and distractions...

We are led...

...while the Awakened shout and whimper 
at the universe.. the fates.. the muses and Gods old and new, that allowed “will”, so abused by man
to poison the garden.

Discordant dinner bells sound, 
as troughs are cleared for never ending servings of 
ephemeral solutions and transient truths;
the tin bell rings hollow,making whores of us all…
as we give locusts cause for envy.

Next... the “Spark” will fall victim - 
one last sacrifice to the god atheists worship 
in bacchanalian and indulgent intellectual rites...
till nothing is left 
save genetically modified 
soulless cannibalistic consumers...
without divinity...

Transient Passion
Drive-thru part time passion, ephemeral affections
Tin bells that ring false and hollow making whores of us all…
Brute animals… we strive for more of what gratifies NOW
Ignoring the greater prizes to be won…
Loyalty, unconditional love, friendship, understanding and acceptance…

Cruel Fates… to distract us with transient emotion
What use is it perpetuating the species if Love is truly lost?

Attraction was a gift… a reward for accepting and loving unconditionally;
When did this become base… evolving into soulless lust… meaningless by itself save the inevitability of losing one’s soul to "animalistic" tendencies?

The awakened shout and whimper at the universe.. the fates.. the muses and Gods old and new.. that allowed “will”… to poison the garden.

Next... the “Spark” will fall victim...only to be bled out of the population.. as one last sacrifice to the God atheists worship in bacchanalian and indulgent intellectual rites... 

We are not meant to be alone…

Incubated in our mother’s womb..
We are enshrouded, kept warm and nourished.

Born into the world, we are protected by parents and community.

Surrounded by other children; our senses are inundated with the newness of the world….and
the unspoken promise of the continuity of our sense of joy, innocence and unquestioned belonging…

It is only once the Veil of Ignorance has been lifted, when the Garden’s Curse first confronts us
with a sense of “self” - that we begin to separate from those around us…
Remade as “me” and all else “other”

Falsely lead into believing “independence” is “freedom”
We strike at the astral cord that binds us all…
And find ourselves wondering why we are morally and spiritually adrift… without purpose;
groundless sheep shorn of the invulnerability and protection
once provided by their innocence and innate ability to love and be loved…

We spend the rest of our lives looking for an elusive “other half”…
Looking to recreate the unconditional security of the womb…

We are not meant to be alone…merely stuck with flesh and bone...our minds our prisons.
Ego and “self awareness” stoic sentinels block what might and should be freely given;
Fear and Regret , demanding and distracting… plague weakened minds with the certainty that in the end… despite what is “meant”… we all die alone, unloved, unknown, and irrelevant.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Advice#4 - worry

Don't worry about the future...
Prepare for it...

Whatever hinders your task...
Is your task.
.success, answers, peace,love...
Where does your compose point?


Everyone wants "credit" 
for saying "it" first
doing it first
inventing, arriving, leaving, creating, solving
asking first....
Right or wrong...immaterial to the primal drive
to be the one ahead of the herd to run head "first" into the fray... 

Who would be silent first?
Would you be the quiet witness,
the halcyon participant, 
growing in the ageless moments twixt action and thought?

Festering Earwigs (2013 re-write)

Ideas germinate,
Stories permeate,
and gossip infests communal "reality"
before intended victims can conceive of
the need for a defense...
Viral negativity breeds a discontented audience
while Integrity is a beggar made at the Libeler’s banquet. 

Ideas germinate
stories permeate
and gossip infests communal "reality"
before the intended victim can conceive of
the need for a defense...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Night's Companion

Loneliness and disappointment companions constant and true; 
held in their sticky embrace, warm and comforted in their familiarity, while despairing over corporeal promises and intents.

Forgotten by gods, dismissed by fate, ignored by muses, bastardized by man; living outside the laws of nature, what more have we a right to expect?

Monday, February 28, 2011

Once Wakened...Falsely

Once wakened in love
yet loved falsely, 
she now awakens

the Light neglected.
for want of steel, 
flint cannot alight alone.

a discordant metronome 
reminds her…
it is not Love that is inconsistent, 
but Man.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Mental Fodder for Valentine's Day

 "No man is an island entire of itself." John Donne
"Memory lives in the heart."  Marquise de Sevigne
"Choose well, your choice is brief and yet endless." Goethe
"We know truth, not only by reason, but also by heart."  Blaise Pascal

"Those who wish to sing always find a song. " Swedish Proverb
"And what he greatly thought, he nobly dared."  Homer

 "Love is not love, which alters when it alteration finds" Shakespeare.

Love is love... regardless of intent. The challenge is in remembering .... 
A gift... once freely given... is no longer yours to claim...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Adrift... (2013 re-write of Odysseus Adrift)

A broken load stone points North 
no more than a wounded heart knows joy.
No words...
Odysseus adrift...Penelope abandoned.

Better a castaway, on dry land, where barren consistency lends itself to numbing complacency...
than adrift in a sea, where tumultuous waves 
simulate life with false hope glimmering in the distance.

Odysseus adrift...
A broken load stone points North no more than a wounded heart points to salvation

No words...

Odysseus adrift...Penelope abandoned.

Better a castaway, on dry land, where barren consistency lends itself to numbing complacency..then adrift in a sea, whose tumultuous waves simulate life and false hopes glimmering in the distance

Friday, February 4, 2011

Off the Wheel

We are all of us merely
...things.. tools...disposable shells
with irrelevant and fallacious notions of individuality and worth
nothing more than a means to an end or gratification for others

Cursed with
Consciousness enough
to be bitterly aware of our state...
Memory enough to recall the fall...
Knowledge enough to know we deserve better...
and Breath enough for prayers...unanswered

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Shuddered breath meets a shaken disposition
as the mind wonders whether the core will hold;
A stoic witness laments respite’s retreat
while consistency threatens acceptance.