Friday, December 12, 2014

21st Century Freedom

The media inoculates us against our humanity
feeding us fear
while we starve in the streets
begging for a just rain. 

We embrace immediate gratification while
crying to forgotten gods
of unconditional equanimity

Our lights dimmed
we seek the hollow promise of 
shiny things
while with learned and earnest petitions for "more"
we've lost our way 
and forgotten how to pray

Herded cattle we chew our own bones 
witless and incapable of marveling at the loss of our humanity
Gaily contented with our "freedom" to do so. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Morphic Resonance

The urge remains to laugh, lean upon, embrace and 
share all things... 
morphic resonance of psychic buttresses 
long since and unfortunately,
corroded, remade, ghostly, insubstantial, rusted and thin;
Shadows cast by absence seem greater, 
perhaps falsely, 
than the matter missed;
and yet,
the Shadows remain, following with velveteen eyes, 
watchful and unseen;
Ever the reminder of holes created by a loss once 

forsworn - impossible.