We all think we want people to understand who we are… what makes us tick. But fallacy lays hidden, like bruised fruit, in the very expectation - for with it, we presume to subliminally announce we know who we are ourselves. So what exactly is it about “our selves” are we hoping will be understood? Are we hoping others will do the work for us and say:
“Ah ha! I understand you! You are [fill in sexy role found only in legend or film], you’re meant to [fill in some meaningful trade here, worthy of life's sufferings to date] and be [fill in adventurous and heroic prophecy here]– go forth in the world and be fruitful and merry!’??
and then, so discovered, we say:
“Eureka! .. yes, the search is over, we have found our identity and purpose at last!”…(insert angel's choir and fan fair soundtrack here).
(Notes falling flat...)
What exactly is it we’re supposed to do then?
The search is what molds us, develops and enlightens us. Keep looking…keep searching… keep understanding. We can learn from the mirrors we offer one another… but ultimately… we are our own guides and consciences… and the most challenging mirror you face… will always be your own.
Study thyself to know thyself
all else will follow... as needs be.
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